Fitness initiation

One on one - Fitness initiation for women
Are you eager to start your fitness journey and reach your goals, but don’t know where to start? Do you want to lose weight and get toned, but lose motivation quickly? Have you ever quit your workouts early because you don't know how to use the machines or free weights in an effective way? Stadium ELLE (Brussels) has the perfect solution to any of these problems.
The first time you'll meet with an instructor is during your Initiation session, which is designed to:
- help you get started with the Technogym cardio and powertraining machines.
- show you how to use your own TGS-smartkey to track all of your progress.
- set up your first personal training program.
- make sure that you use all of the gym equipment in a correct way to prevent muscle or joint damage.
- show you how to use myStadiumPro app.